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Version: v0.29.0



This feature is experimental. You should expect it to change in future versions, cause unexpected behavior, or simply not work at all.

A slice is a dynamically-sized view into a sequence of elements. They can be resized at runtime, but because they don't own the data, they cannot be returned from a circuit. You can treat slices as arrays without a constrained size.

use dep::std::slice;

fn main() -> pub Field {
let mut slice: [Field] = &[0; 2];

let mut new_slice = slice.push_back(6);

To write a slice literal, use a preceeding ampersand as in: &[0; 2] or &[1, 2, 3].

It is important to note that slices are not references to arrays. In Noir, &[..] is more similar to an immutable, growable vector.

View the corresponding test file here.


For convenience, the STD provides some ready-to-use, common methods for slices:


Pushes a new element to the end of the slice, returning a new slice with a length one greater than the original unmodified slice.

fn push_back<T>(_self: [T], _elem: T) -> [T]


fn main() -> pub Field {
let mut slice: [Field] = &[0; 2];

let mut new_slice = slice.push_back(6);

View the corresponding test file here.


Returns a new array with the specified element inserted at index 0. The existing elements indexes are incremented by 1.

fn push_front(_self: Self, _elem: T) -> Self


let mut new_slice: [Field] = &[];
new_slice = new_slice.push_front(20);
assert(new_slice[0] == 20); // returns true

View the corresponding test file here.


Returns a tuple of two items, the first element of the array and the rest of the array.

fn pop_front(_self: Self) -> (T, Self)


let (first_elem, rest_of_slice) = slice.pop_front();

View the corresponding test file here.


Returns a tuple of two items, the beginning of the array with the last element omitted and the last element.

fn pop_back(_self: Self) -> (Self, T)


let (popped_slice, last_elem) = slice.pop_back();

View the corresponding test file here.


Loops over a slice and adds it to the end of another.

fn append(mut self, other: Self) -> Self


let append = &[1, 2].append(&[3, 4, 5]);


Inserts an element at a specified index and shifts all following elements by 1.

fn insert(_self: Self, _index: Field, _elem: T) -> Self


new_slice = rest_of_slice.insert(2, 100);
assert(new_slice[2] == 100);

View the corresponding test file here.


Remove an element at a specified index, shifting all elements after it to the left, returning the altered slice and the removed element.

fn remove(_self: Self, _index: Field) -> (Self, T)


let (remove_slice, removed_elem) = slice.remove(3);


Returns the length of a slice

fn len(self) -> Field


fn main() {
let slice = &[42, 42];
assert(slice.len() == 2);


Converts this slice into an array.

Make sure to specify the size of the resulting array. Panics if the resulting array length is different than the slice's length.

fn as_array<N>(self) -> [T; N]


fn main() {
let slice = &[5, 6];

// Always specify the length of the resulting array!
let array: [Field; 2] = slice.as_array();

assert(array[0] == slice[0]);
assert(array[1] == slice[1]);